Monthly Archives: August 2020

Denise McMahon is making ‘stay-at-home mom’ look even more awesome

Mom with baby on sofa in red bendys with cat looking on.


Behind every pair of BENDYs is a woman taking on the world, her own way. 


We’ve featured plenty of women who have pivoted to stay ahead of the pandemic, but Denise McMahon’s story is different. 


This week, we’re introducing Denise — a proud stay-at-home mom who left her IT job after her maternity leave to take care of her son and focus on her side hustle, her portrait photography business.  Then COVID-19 hit and turned her best-laid plans upside down


This brave woman acknowledged the need to step back from her business while figuring out her new at-home normal.


“I have worked for over half my life now, starting at age 15, so becoming a SAHM (and becoming a mom in general…) has been truly life-altering.” – Denise


Denise was used to socializing in both work and play. Of course, that brought a ton of anxiety about being at home full-time with little Wesley. 


She told BENDY:


“It was a little crippling at times, especially coupled with postpartum hormones. I had to give myself permission to slow down and stop worrying about the future and the things I couldn’t control. This helped prepare me for this wacky COVID-19 life, too.”


Denise looks at COVID-19 as a blessing in disguise for her young family. Her husband now works at home for the time being. Her thoughts:


“It fills my heart with so much happiness knowing that he’s been able to watch his son grow for the first 8 months of his life, instead of just the short paternity leave most men usually get.”


Her photography business is officially on pause until fall family portrait season returns. Until then, Denise is keeping a pot of black coffee and a homemade treat in her home as often as possible. 


She loves baking cupcakes (always cream cheese frosting), among other yummies. And her extra time has led her to perfecting some of her fave recipes: shrimp etouffee, ribeye steak, and pretty much anything with loads of garlic.


Denise in front of stove with red bendys

red bendy's in front of stove


Aside from 8-month-old Wesley, she is mom to two kitty furballs, Dusty McCormick and Dorito Santos (yup, they have full names).


At BENDY, we think Denise’s path is one worth admiring…and it just goes to show that a strong woman is one who chooses her own destiny.


Denise on her BENDYs: 


“My favorite thing about these shoes are how comfortable they are from the upper to the soles and I LOVE the vibrancy of this lollipop red!


I still don’t go out too much these days, but let’s just say I am more motivated to dress up when I do, even if it’s only to the grocery store.”


Photo credits for these images go to Denise. This SAHM can style, model, and shoot — all with little Wesley in tow. Awesome work, Denise!


Denise with stroller in her red bendys